This is Random Carcosa. You can use this website to generate random hex descriptions for a world derived from the information within and aesthetics of Geoffery McKinney's Carcosa. What's this all about?
This is very much a work in progress. If you need a random 1st level character for your Carcosa game, I've got you covered. If you need to roll a dCarcosa we can do that too.
Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (AC 12, MV None, HD 7, Chaotic): a Black amoeboid with a smooth hide, 5 eyes, and no mouth. The creature poisonous. Harmed only by fire.
There are 103 Spawn of Shub-Niggurath encounters described in Carcosa.
Village of 172 Bone Men ruled by "the Gentle Overlady," a Chaotic 5th-level Fighter.
Of the 800 hex descriptions in Carcosa a little more than a quarter describe a village, citadel, castle, or monastery.
You meet "the Autocrator of Many Hues".
Everyone you encounter in Carcosa has a ridiculous title.
4 Mutant Triceratops (AC 15, MV 90', HD 15, neutral). Furred Red hide. Beaked mouth. Immune to surprise.
Several mutant dinosaurs are described in Carcosa.
A massive snake shaped citadel coils around the peaks of a craggy mountain. Within 22 Bone Man are led by a Chaotic 16th-level Sorcerer. He is planning the total conquest of Carcosa.
Most hex descriptions in Carcosa are kind of crazy.