This is very much a work in progress. (As evidenced by the repeating entries you might see below.) Anyway, here are 16 random hexes.
Citadel of 106 Black Men led by a Neutral 7th-level Sorcerer.
Village of 259 Orange Men ruled by a Lawful 3rd-level Fighter.
3-18 red orbs can be seen floating in the distance.
Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (AC 16, MV 210, HD 5, Chaotic): a Ulfire ooze/slime with a smooth hide, no eyes, and a suckered mouth. Its touch turns anyone to slime. Harmed only by fire.
Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (AC 15, MV 210 [land] / 120 [fly] / 60 [swim], HD 6, Neutral [unintelligent]): a Ulfire hexapod with a suckered hide, 4 eyes, and a toothed mouth.
Poison dirigible fruit (2-12, 1 HP each, AC 7). Bright red, hovering, bobbing up and down gently. When touched in any way they explode in a burst of poison glop: all within melee range must make a Save vs. Death Ray or perish. A poison dirigible fruit tree will grow in the corpse of any characters so slain, and will produce 2d6 dirigible fruit in 1d6 days.
Village of 195 Bone Men ruled by "the Fullness of All the Seas," a Neutral 7th-level Fighter.
1 Unquiet Worm.
10 Mutant Stegosaurus (AC 16, MV 60', HD 10, neutral). Feathered Ulfire hide. Covered in spines (when attacked in melee attacker takes a dCarcosa damage and it can throw them like a wyvern). Immune to heat/fire.
Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (AC 12, MV 180 [land] / 150 [fly] / 90 [swim], HD 4, Neutral [intelligent]): a Red plant with a scaled hide, 5 eyes, and a suckered mouth.
16 Diseased Guardians.
Ancient runes are carved into earth, filled with red clay.
Citadel of 129 Dolm Men led by a Lawful 4th-level Sorcerer.
A large bird of prey stalks the players. After 1-3 hours it will turn and fly off into the distance. The bird does not attempt to hide its presence.
A T-Rex corpse, skin mottled red and orange, is being feasted upon by fist-sized maggots. The top of its skull has been removed with surgical precision, and its brain is missing.
Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (AC 14, MV 120, HD 1, Chaotic): a Jale anthropoid with a suckered hide, multiple/insectile eyes, and no mouth. Its gaze causes confusion
22 Diseased Guardians.
A Blue Man Cyborg with a metal jaw and a robotic hook arm (AC 18, MV 90', HD 4, Chaotic) commands a group of 6-36 Blue Men bandits armed with bone weapons. The bandits demand the players hand over any metal items in their possession, which their leader will proceed to eat. The Cyborg earns +1 to hit for each piece of metal he consumes; this effect lasts one day. (When encountered he has a 0-3 bonus to hit.) His hunger for metal can not be satiated.
Two White men lay dead on the ground. One is holding a gamma radiation riffle with 10 charges left. There is a 1 in 6 chance the rifle will also irradiate the shooter when discharged.
Village of 232 Purple Men ruled by a Neutral 7th-level Fighter.
6 Triceratops.
1 Dolm Pudding.
Village of 292 Yellow Men ruled by "the Overking of Dreamers," a Neutral 3rd-level Sorcerer.
A floating circular platform of Space Alien technology hovers 15' above the ground. 1 in 6 chance to figure out how to operate (intelligence modifier applies, only one attempt per character). Can be moved at a rate of 10' per turn. 3 Bone Men with spears have built a hut on top, and "desert fishing lines" hang from the platform. The Bone Men are extremely xenophobic (reaction roll penalty of 2). One of the Bone Men has 2 sleep gas grenades (as sleep spell but a save versus paralysis applies, 30' blast radius).
Village of 362 Jale Men ruled by "the One of Wisdom," a Neutral 5th-level Fighter.
Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (AC 18, MV 90' / 120' [swimming], HD 3, Neutral [intelligent]): an orange anthropoid with scaly skin, two yellow eyes, and a toothed mouth. One of its arms is an oversized claw. In its other hand it carries a green mace.
Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (AC 13, MV 120 [swimming only], HD 5, Chaotic): a Purple and Yellow quadruped with a furred hide, 3 eyes, and a toothed mouth.
8 Mutant Lambeosaurus (AC 15, MV 120', HD 11, neutral). Feathered Black hide. Extremely cold (1 die damage per round to all within 20').
A Jale Man Sorcerer (AC 16, MV 120', HD 8, Neutral) wearing a Red breast plate sits on a giant Cthulhu shaped throne, alone at the lowest levels of the Cavern of the Time Lords. He may share his knowledge of Carcosa with those who seek him out.
8 Velociraptors.
1 Mummy Brain.
Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (AC 12, MV 150 [land] / 180 [fly], HD 2, Neutral [intelligent]): a Brown arboreoid with a smooth hide, 5 eyes, and a circular gaping maw. Surprised only on a 1.