This is Random Carcosa. You can use this website to generate random hex descriptions for a world derived from the information within and aesthetics of Geoffery McKinney's Carcosa. What's this all about?
This is very much a work in progress. If you need a random 1st level character for your Carcosa game, I've got you covered. If you need to roll a dCarcosa we can do that too.
Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (AC 14, MV 90 [land] / 90 [swim], HD 7, Neutral [intelligent]): a Brown hexapod with a smooth hide, 2 eyes, and no mouth.
There are 103 Spawn of Shub-Niggurath encounters described in Carcosa.
Village of 191 Black Men ruled by "the Unbearable Soul of the Black," a Neutral 6th-level Sorcerer.
Of the 800 hex descriptions in Carcosa a little more than a quarter describe a village, citadel, castle, or monastery.
Mutant Ceratosaurus (AC 16, MV 150', HD 8, neutral). Feathered Blue hide. Can cast invisibility at will. When visible, has see-through skin like a Bone Man.
Several mutant dinosaurs are described in Carcosa.
Poison dirigible fruit (2-12, 1 HP each, AC 7). Bright red, hovering, bobbing up and down gently. When touched in any way they explode in a burst of poison glop: all within melee range must make a Save vs. Death Ray or perish. A poison dirigible fruit tree will grow in the corpse of any characters so slain, and will produce 2d6 dirigible fruit in 1d6 days.
Most hex descriptions in Carcosa are kind of crazy.