Random Carcosa

This is very much a work in progress. (As evidenced by the repeating entries you might see below.) Anyway, here are 16 random hexes.


Bipedal humanoid robot (AC 18, MV 120', HD 8) carrying a spear, with a single spotlight eye in the center of a cylindrical head. It is dragging a dead velociraptor behind it. It has learned how to hunt by spying on humans, but doesn't understand what to do with the dead animals: it just drags them back to its cave.

Citadel of 13 Bone Men led by a Lawful 10th-level Fighter.


Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (AC 15, MV 90, HD 5, Neutral [intelligent]): a Bone ooze/slime with a suckered hide, 5 eyes, and a toothed mouth. The creature is extremely hot: 1 die damage per round to all within 20' Harmed only by fire.

A party of 2-8 inter-dimensional travelers search for their lost companion. They are armed with turn of the century firearms: pistols & shotguns. They are cautious around and distrustful of any natives of Carcosa they encounter. They will however aid anyone who agrees to help them find their friend.


Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (AC 12, MV 60, HD 3, Chaotic): a White amoeboid with a smooth hide, 1 eyes, and a beaked mouth. Invisible.

A disfigured two-headed mutant man lays face down in the ground. His body is half purple & half blue. Characters who investigate the body must make a Save vs. Death Ray each turn or suffer a random mutation.


Village of 285 Black Men ruled by "the Illustriousness of the Dead," a Neutral 4th-level Fighter.

Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (AC 19, MV 60 [land] / 90 [swim], HD 8, Chaotic): a Brown arboreoid with a suckered hide, 3 eyes, and a circular gaping maw. The creature is extremely cold: 1 die damage per round to all within 20' Immune to heat/fire.


Small inexplicable pond, filled with brightly colored fish. The fish are easily caught and if eaten will grant a temporary +4 HP for the day. The pond and fish will be gone upon return, and attempts to preserve the fish will result in unpleasant smelling mess.

Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (AC 20, MV 210 [land] / 120 [fly], HD 4, Neutral [intelligent]): a Orange arachnoid with a furred hide, 6 eyes, and a beaked mouth. The creature is psionic: (1-8 powers, 1-8 times per day)


Village of 223 Blue Men ruled by a Lawful 8th-level Sorcerer.

Poison dirigible fruit (2-12, 1 HP each, AC 7). Bright red, hovering, bobbing up and down gently. When touched in any way they explode in a burst of poison glop: all within melee range must make a Save vs. Death Ray or perish. A poison dirigible fruit tree will grow in the corpse of any characters so slain, and will produce 2d6 dirigible fruit in 1d6 days.


2 B'yakhees.

Citadel of 98 Red Men led by "The Ram", a Lawful 4th-level Fighter. "The Ram" is a behemoth of a man, never seen without his indestructible helmet.


Village of 227 Bone Men ruled by a Chaotic 9th-level Sorcerer.

Village of 190 White Men ruled by a Neutral 7th-level Sorcerer.


1 Deep One.

A massive snake shaped citadel coils around the peaks of a craggy mountain. Within 22 Bone Man are led by a Chaotic 16th-level Sorcerer. He is planning the total conquest of Carcosa.


An abandoned space alien outpost is now home to a group of 23 Blue bandits. Amongst their possessions is a map of the first level of a space alien research base in hex 2204.

Citadel of 71 Yellow Men led by a Neutral 9th-level Sorcerer.


Monastery of 84 Black Men led by "the Unanswerable Mistress," a Neutral 4th-level Sorcerer.

5 Space Aliens.


5 Mutant Lambeosaurus (AC 15, MV 120', HD 13, neutral). Scaled Blue hide.

A squat Purple Man Sorcerer (AC 12, MV 90' / 120' \[Flying\], HD 2, Lawful) in flowing robes and an over sized hat is in the process of botching the ritual _The Glyphs of the Ebon Lake_.


3 Dolm Worms.

3 B'yakhees.


1 Orange Mastodon. The beast may shoot acid from its trunk 3 times a day.

9 Triceratops.


Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (AC 12, MV None, HD 5, Neutral [intelligent]): a Orange ooze/slime with a furred hide, multiple/insectile eyes, and no mouth. Invisible.

Castle of 67 Blue Men led by "the Totalitor upon the Majestic Throne," a Lawful 2nd-level Sorcerer.


Citadel of 65 Yellow Men led by a Chaotic 6th-level Fighter.

Ancient runes are carved into earth, filled with red clay.