This is very much a work in progress. (As evidenced by the repeating entries you might see below.) Anyway, here are 16 random hexes.
Mutant Ceratosaurus (AC 16, MV 150', HD 12, neutral). Suckered Blue hide. Can split into smaller versions of itself, like Voltron in reverse.
Village of 320 Orange Men ruled by a Neutral 2nd-level Fighter.
17 irrational space aliens herd a group of 15 Green Men into a small metal bunker.
1 Spawn of Yog-Sothoth.
Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (AC 13, MV 90 [land] / 240 [fly], HD 6, Chaotic): a Bone arboreoid with a smooth hide, 1 eyes, and a circular gaping maw. Immune to normal weapons.
Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (AC 14, MV 120' / 160' \[Flying\], HD 6, Neutral \[intelligent\]): A Brown avioid with a feathered hide and a toothed mouth. There is a 4 in 6 chance that when encountered the beast will be in flight.
Two Jale men lay dead on the ground. One is holding a gamma radiation riffle with 10 charges left. There is a 1 in 6 chance the rifle will also irradiate the shooter when discharged.
1 Orange Mastodon. The beast may shoot acid from its trunk 3 times a day.
Citadel of 98 Red Men led by "The Ram", a Lawful 4th-level Fighter. "The Ram" is a behemoth of a man, never seen without his indestructible helmet.
An abandoned space alien outpost is now home to a group of 23 Green bandits. Amongst their possessions is a map of the first level of a space alien research base in hex 1705.
Citadel of 150 Green Men led by "the Lover of Summer," a Chaotic 5th-level Sorcerer.
Cuddly fluff balls (2-12, 1 HP each, AC 7). Bright red, hovering, bobbing up and down gently. When observed for a turn there is a 3 in 6 chance of seeing the fluff ball lazily open one or both of its eyes. If petted, a fluff ball will orbit the character. Orbiting fluff balls will give characters a Save vs. Wands to avoid a normal missile (something like an arrow or bullet) that would otherwise hit. A success means that the Cuddly Fluff Ball intercepts the missile and is destroyed.
An Orange Man (AC 14, MV 160', HD 4, Chaotic) dressed in furs hunts a band of mutant men. He is armed with a whip and accompanied by 2-12 giant beasts and dinosaurs; these creatures are under his complete control.
2 Mutant Ceratosaurus (AC 16, MV 150', HD 11, neutral). Furred Black hide. Touch causes sickness (lose 1 Con / day until dead). Harmed only by fire.
A damaged Alien vehicle, with 4 tank treads instead of wheels. Characters with an intelligence of 16 or more may attempt to repair the machine, with a cumulative chance of 10% per week of succeeding. (i.e after ten weeks the tank will be repaired.) It is large enough to comfortably transport 12 men.
A group of 6 disease ridden Black cannibals feast on the remains of some Bone Men.
In the centre of a large expanse of rock howling winds bellow out from an open trap door.
Village of 278 Yellow Men ruled by "the Evil Queen," a Chaotic 9-th Level Sorcerer.
A Purple Man hangs limp from a tree. He is pierced head to toe by spikes. Two tridents lay near his lifeless body.
Castle of 29 Dolm Men led by a Neutral 7th-level Fighter.
4 Snake Men attempt to repair a time machine. The Snake Men and their collection of high-tech gadgetry are incomprehensible to characters with an intelligence score less than 18.
A Blue Man (AC 16, MV 120', HD 2, Lawful) with a cybernetic augmentation that allows him to extend his head several meters above his body is surveying the wilderness. He is armed with a bright yellow mace and can not be surprised.
Citadel of 69 Jale Men led by "the Poignancy of Winter," a Chaotic 5th-level Fighter.
Circle of Standing Stones.
A T-Rex corpse, skin mottled red and orange, is being feasted upon by fist-sized maggots. The top of its skull has been removed with surgical precision, and its brain is missing.
3-18 red orbs can be seen floating in the distance.
Monastery of 56 Brown Men ruled by "the Golden Hand," a Chaotic 5-th Level Fighter.
Village of 278 Brown Men ruled by a Chaotic 11th-level Fighter.
Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (AC 15, MV 180, HD 4, Chaotic): a Dolm arachnoid with a suckered hide, 2 eyes, and multiple mouths. Immune to heat/fire.
2 Tyrannosaurus Rexes.
Village of 279 Green Men ruled by a Lawful 7th-level Fighter.
Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (AC 18, MV 90' / 120' [swimming], HD 3, Neutral [intelligent]): an orange anthropoid with scaly skin, two yellow eyes, and a toothed mouth. One of its arms is an oversized claw. In its other hand it carries a green mace.